Nervous to visit your Barber? Use our Tips to get the Perfect Cut  – Amplixin

Nervous to visit your Barber? Use our Tips to get the Perfect Cut 

Posted by Dee Van Heerden on

Men are notorious for the way they avoid asking for directions - but what about giving directions? If you feel like a visit to a barber is a recipe for nervousness and you fear the impending scissors and shavers, this guideline is for you. 

It’s not unusual to feel unsure of how to tell your barber what kind of cut you’re looking for. It’s actually very common for men. Here are a few tips you can use to tell your barber precisely what you have in mind, without any confusion or tragic mishaps. 

Tip 1: Take a selfie

Having a good hair day? Take a selfie with extra emphasis on your hair. Show your barber when you visit again, telling him what you liked about our hair on that day. Take photos whenever you have a haircut that really complements your features. Never had one?

That’s awful! It’s high time you do! Google hair cuts for men until you find one that sparks your interest - just remember to look at the hair, not the overall image of the models in the picture. Once you have a collection of images, choose your favorites and show them to your barber when you visit. No amount of explaining can beat a visual representation. 

Tip 2: Don’t be afraid to speak up

We get it. Sitting in that barber chair is super nerve-wracking for many people. You don’t want to offend the artist who is busy sculpting your hairstyle. But, it’s time to banish that fear. Firstly, barbers rely on feedback, they want to please you, so feel free to speak up.

Secondly, holding your silence and making your peace with the fact that your hair will grow back as you watch it being butchered, is not politeness, it’s masochistic (suffering unnecessarily). If you don’t like what you have just seen the barber start doing, speak up. There may be time to remedy the situation. 

Tip 3: Use the same barber

Become a regular at your favorite barbershop. If you implement the above tips, you will soon get to know each other’s quirks and his abilities will adapt to your taste. Be sure to mention as many cuts you love as you do ones you don’t love, it’s easy to forget to compliment people but it goes a long way.

As you develop trust, you can lean on your barber for advice. They know which products will benefit dry hair, and which will benefit oily hair. They can even recommend serums and “between washes” products. 

Tip 4: Remember to stay realistic

Barbers can truly transform your face if they find a more flattering cut, but at the same time, they’re not magicians. If you’re taking photos of haircuts to your barber, remember that while they can recreate a cut, they can’t transform your entire image to go with it.

Certain cuts may also be difficult to achieve based on your hair type or the way your hair grows, for example, certain cow-licks make a fringe virtually impossible (in the case of ladies cuts). Aim to build a positive relationship with your barber and you’ll find yourself looking forward to your cuts. 

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