Hair Transplant And Hair Cloning: Guide for Hair Loss - Amplixin®

Hair Transplant And Hair Cloning: The Definitive Guide (2018)

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Hair Transplant and Hair Cloning

No man or woman wants to lose his/her hair. Luckily for the modern science, there are ways that can actually reverse the hair loss. When it seems like your hairline suddenly no longer as it was, that’s most likely indicates that perhaps it’s the high time you should visit any hair consultant.

It’s no secret that there are quite a few surgical procedures and aside from the monetary cost these are very promising in stopping your receding hairline problems. Hair transplant and cloning are two surgical processes that are becoming popular in regards to efficiencies. 

Hair Transplant In-Depth Guide 

Often people take the locks for granted like youth and health. They only realize it after they are gone. For such people, hair transplant provides the chance to get back full or, at least, cover the head with hair. 

What is Hair transplant, really? 

Hair transplant is a surgery that moves the already existing hair to fill the area where you are experiencing thinning or baldness. Although the operation existed from the 1950s, the technical involvement changed over the period. 

Hair transplant is a latest craze, a minimally-invasive, and outpatient surgical procedure that can make huge differences to your hair and confidence. Its claims that this medical process can permanently restore hair by transplanting new hair follicles into balding or thinning area, where needed. 

To undergo this treatment you must have to have plenty of your own natural hair to fulfill where it’s needed. 

Who is eligible for a Hair Transplant? 

Anyone who is suffering from partial baldness due to male-pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia), a receding hairline, traction alopecia, or head trauma can become an eligible candidate for this treatment. But if you are experiencing female pattern baldness, diffuse hair loss also called chronic telogen effluvium or spot baldness or might have insufficient hair due to recent donate don’t make a good candidate for a hair transplant. 

Though few hair transplant centers claim that this surgical procedure can be done at any age, but since this procedure requires long-term stability of donor's hair, it’s recommended for anyone over the age of 25. But under this age group, it is difficult to extent of future hair loss. 

If you are going bald or experiencing hair thinning, then hair transplant is a better way to grow back both hair and confidence. Nevertheless, it is imperative to discuss with a doctor.

Hair transplant for men and women: 

Since hair restoration surgery is a good option for almost 90% of the balding man in the US, women might also be likely to become a good candidate. Women are who are going through patchy hair loss or want to remove the fear of a receding hairline. But before that, we need to understand what causes male pattern baldness and female hair loss. 

What causes male pattern baldness? 

One of the big reasons for male pattern baldness is genetic and family history of baldness. Research and studies have found that male hormone is associated with sex hormone called androgen. This hormone disrupts the human hair growth cycle. 

Each of our hair goes through a growth cycle and during this phases hair follicles grows, rest and eventually fallout from the head after maturity. In male pattern baldness, these phases begin to weaken and hair follicles started to become shrinks and eventually the time frame in each stage damaged heavily. 

The functionality of DHT pushes the hair follicles to enter in the resting phases too early. As a result, the resting phase becomes much longer than it should be and the growth phase’s length becomes shorter. That’s how when these dormant hair follicles fallout, no new hair grows in its place. 

What causes female hair loss? 

Female is also can have baldness problem but in a different pattern than male; androgenetic alopecia is a hair loss state that affects women. Hair loss in women might also cause due to hereditary and are one of the common causes after menopause. 

Besides this inherited reasons, there are also a few other major reasons for female hair loss. An underlying endocrine condition is also responsible for female baldness. This stated condition affects the production of androgen hormone- tumors of the pituitary gland or ovary which secrete androgen, may also cause damage to hair follicles and leads to hair loss problem. 

Some other causes of hair loss in women include autoimmune diseases (alopecia areata), taking certain medication, chronic illness, and traction alopecia. 

No matter why men and female are experiencing baldness or hair loss problem the transplant treatment might show the way out to go back in the glory days again. 

Types Of Hair Transplant Surgery & How These Can Be Performed? 

Nowadays, hair transplant is being done by a Follicular unit technique which involves two methods to obtain the donor follicles; one is ‘Follicular unit strip Technique’ and ‘Follicular Unit Extraction Technique’ is another. The process begins by cleaning the scalp and injecting the medicine to numb the back of the head.

Follicular unit strip Technique: 

Under the follicular unit strip surgery, the surgeon removes around 10 inches of skin from the back of the head. He then sets it aside and sews the scalp firmly. The hair surrounding the sewed region covers it completely. 

The team of the doctor then divides the strip into 2000 tiny grafts- graft is a living tissue that is surgically moved from one body side to another. The number of grafts obtained is dependent on the hair type, color, quality, and the size of the area that the individual is receiving the transplant. 

With this method, the patient will leave a permanent scar in the place where the scalp was removed. It’ll recover in two weeks. 

Follicular Unit Extraction Technique: 

Under the follicular unit extraction procedure, the doctor will shape the back of the head. The team of surgeons then starts extracting hair follicles one by one. The area heals over a period with small dots, which the existing hair covers completely. 

The remaining part of the procedure for both of the transplant methods is the same. The surgeon then cleans and numbs the area where the transplantation is required. 

He plants each graft into the tiny holes very carefully. Depending on the size of the transplantation area, the entire process takes up to a maximum of eight hours. 

The True Benefit of Hair transplants: 

This hair surgery has been dramatically evolved over the past few decayed with lots of promising results, effectiveness, and efficiencies. Throughout the evolution, some techniques have come, some have merged and few others have discarded. Definitely, there are plenty of advantages of this surgical procedure. 

  • Aesthetic and natural looks, result using 'true' and natural follicle units
  • No scar at the donor area after two weeks of this treatment
  • It grows naturally
  • The color of the hair is the same as existing hair
  • The results are permanent and excellent
  • It’s a long-term solution for baldness
  • Most of the time there will be no pain during and after the treatment
  • The patient will get hair that is very manageable
  • Might not need an extra chemical serum to maintain hair’s density
  • Make you look younger and individuals feel positive & Confidence 
The Cost Of A Hair Transplant: 

Actually, it’s tough to give a straight forward, clear cut and simple answer to this question as it may differ for everyone, just like other surgical treatment costs. Besides, there have been different factors those have to take into consideration. Certainly, that doesn’t mean that you have to be a boxer to afford. 

The cost of a hair transplant typically ranges from $4,000 to $15,000. And since most of the insurance companies consider this surgery as a cosmetic procedure, most often the costs are all out of pocket. 

The other factors that drive the cost are the living area, types of preferred procedure, the skill and expertise of the surgeon, how much hair you actually want to transplant and obviously the travel cost. 

In addition, there are some other costs associated with the recovery process from a hair transplant. These extra recovery costs might include medication to reduce pain after the surgery, anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling at the surgical site, and mostly the antibiotic medication cost to reduce the risk of infection. 

There is no doubt that hair transplant comes with the moderate budget- at not small. So if you have made up your mind to undergo this surgery take some time to research that’ll help you to get multiple considerations in finalizing costs and better surgeon who’ll be right for you. Hiring the skilled surgeon can be expensive but yes, you can expect the best possible results from them. 

The Risk Associated With Hair Transplant: 

There is no doubt that hair transplant is the medical blessing that can put a lot of people at ease. Yet it’s important to remember that every clinical produces comes with certain risks. Some of them are quite common; few are temporary and while others might need a longer time to cure. These potential side effects or complications include: 


Though there is a little chance of being affected by infections, causes are happening one out of thousand. Infection from a hair transplant can happen like other surgery. No worries….patient can easily avoid by taking antibiotics. 

Temporary Hair Shedding:

All of us might think that after transplant hair will just become thicker and strong which is again not a common case for all. There are some cases where the existing hair starts decreasing at a significant level just after the surgery. 


Cuts and nicks might also occur during the follicular unit transplant that can lead to some blood loss. Again it can be stopped by pressing a gauze piece if it occurs in the time of operation. However, if the patients have a history of taking blood-thinning medicines should inform the doctor before the surgery. 


Normally in every surgical procedure, the patient might have been vigilant to postoperative pain. The case is similar here with a hair transplant, especially in FUT where a patient might have to deal pain even after taking anesthesia or seductive injections. 


It’s not unusual to arise etching issue just after the medical operation. The transplant site might form scabs which lead to etching. There are a few remedies that can reduce this uncomfortable suffering. Doctors might suggest a mild or medication shampoo just after the surgery. 


Doing an FUE Hair Transplant surgery might motivate a chance of causing little micro scars. These are more like a dot marks which get hidden as soon as the new hair starts growing. So this linear spot might erase after few weeks of operation. 


If your hair follicles damage your skin and pushed deep into the layer, the chances are high that you might get affected by cysts. 


This is another common after effect of hair transplant surgery. The chances are pretty high compared to other post-op results. If hiccups last for few days, then no problem; if not then this is something you shouldn’t underestimate. You might find very difficult to eat and sleep until it cures properly. 

Some other risks: 

There are few other complications which are also associated with this surgery; these include: 

  • Lack of sensation on the transplant site
  • Folliculitis infections in hair follicles
  • Unnatural-looking tufts of hair
  • Swelling on the forehead 

If you skip the costing associated with this treatment, this can bring amazing results. But just remember this procedure can be costly if you failed to get it done by a novice hand. So take some time to do your research carefully and don’t skimp out the skills of the surgeon. 

Hair Transplant: Before And After 

In hair transplant or surgical hair restoration process many surgeons have different ways to manage guide a patient. As this is a surgical treatment, proper care and maintenance after surgical hair restoration is an extremely important part of the process. These procedures help a patient to maximize the results while being safe from further post-surgical problems. Furthermore, every patient’s hair structure and immune system differs that’s why it is imperative that every patient follow those recommendations diligently. Failure to follow these rules might cause even more hair loss even from the old follicles. So here are some do’s and don’ts.

Hair Transplant Aftercare: 

Actually, hair restoration aftercare requires lots of things to adapt and avoid immediately after the surgery till seeing the visible results- some might have to follow throughout your entire life. Some hits are: 

  • Protect your scalp from direct sunlight. Since there are harmful UVs in the direct sunlight, it’s recommended that you must wear sun protective cap or other essentials to cover your hair for at least few weeks just after completing the transplant. But be careful to wear tight caps as it might dislodge the grafts. 
  • Avoid scratching the operative area. First few days after the surgery there might be some urges to tingling, swelling or itching sensation just in the operative area. So don’t rub the area or else new graft may fall down before it develops completely. 
  • Avoid drinking and smoking: We all know drinking and smoking affect our blood circulation that affects the hair follicles. As new hair follicle requires a plentiful and steady supply of blood to flourish and grow, better to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. 
  • Outdoor and extreme sports activities should be avoided for a few weeks after the treatment. Similarly, the activities or taking sauna which involves sweating must be postponed until the recovery of the wounds. Similarly, no ice be applied directly in the grafted area. 
  • You should not be involved in twisting or bending constantly for the initial week after the operation. 
  • You can take shower after 48 hours of the post-operation. It’ll allow fibrin clot to seal the grafts in. 

Lastly, before getting a haircut, you should not apply any harmful chemicals for coloring or styling at least 4 to 5 weeks after the operation. 

Hair transplant recovery tips: 

Immediately after the surgery, your hair grafts will go through quite a few phases to heal the bald and patchy area. Most importantly it takes near about 10 to 12 months to see the visible results of hair growth which also depends on some recovery guidelines. Although the recovery process after a hair transplant won’t impact your regular activities the following instructions might give you extra mileage in the healing process. 

  • Take a break from work for at least one to two weeks. Joining to the workstation immediately after the surgery might hurt the process of recovering the hair grafts. So get a holiday and take a break. 
  • Follow customized post-op guidelines: Most of the time surgeon will give a detail lists of dos and don’ts and a full overview of postoperative You should review the details guidelines that will be written on the manuals. You should also need to review the plan with your specialist from time to time. You might also receive a goodies bag from the treatment center which will be filled with aftercare products. 
  • Be patience with hair growth and expect realistic results. Hair grafts after the surgery will take time to complete the full growth cycle. New hair grafts won’t rise overnight, most of the time it’ll take 7 to 10 months to grow (at least 90% of all grafts). 
  • Try to keep the scalp clean throughout the recovery time. Be aware of soreness, numbness and refrain from putting anything in the scar area. 
  • Visit the transplant center or surgeon regularly to check out everything is on the track or not. 
  • Don’t mind to take a painkiller if you experience discomfort with the pain. 
  • Use your hand to wash hair instead of putting your head directly under the shower, at least for a couple of days. Or else putting unnecessary stress on the operative area might affect the hair grafts. Besides this will boosts the healing process and help the scabs to peel off. 

Lastly, there might have some additional tips and advice your surgeon can suggest. However, the recovery time depends upon the patient. The more you follow the instructions the quicker you can get healing benefits. So take your time and let the wounds area heal quickly. 

Hair transplant frequently asked questions 

Since this is an important surgical procedure which involves mediocre costing and after all, it’s about your glory hair, there’s a lot of misconceptions and assumptions. So we tried to sum up some of the common queries to help you a bit. 

Are hair transplants just for men? 

No doubt hair loss can happen to anyone at any age of our life and it’s not just for men. If you are a woman who is suffering from significant hair loss, this medical surgery might be able to help you out. So actually this treatment is for those who are dealing with chronic baldness, thinning hair, and patchy hair loss. 

Does a hair transplant hurt? 

This is basically a minor surgical operation which requires only local anesthesia. So there is no threat of too much pain but yes after the effect of anesthesia, some patients might have to deal with slight pain which can be eliminated by adopting painkillers. 

Does hair transplant leave a scar? 

No matter how badly you need this hair restoration surgery, all most of the patient is concern about visible scar after the surgery. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a completely “scar-less” hair transplant. Regardless of how skillfully the process may be done, an incision is made in the skin some form of the scar will always be left behind. But yes, after growing hair properly over the scarring area can help to disguises the scar. 

How long does the surgery take? 

Hair transplant goes through a series of medical process in which hair follicles from the donor area has to move to the affected area where actually the baldness or patchy hair loss is happening. Even though, most of the operations didn’t take longer than 6 to 8 hours. 

How long does a hair transplant take? 

This hair restoration procedure will take a certain amount of time from surgery, recovery to grow new hair. Within 3 to 4 weeks after the surgery, you’ll notice the transplanted hair will fall out and there will very little to see in terms of new hair growth within a few months. Most of the time patients will see the bulk of their growth between 5 and 12 months after surgery. Unless some patients will have impressive and rapid hair growth, it’s quite impossible to expect to see their new grafts grown through by the 12-month stage. 

What are the costs involved with a hair transplant? 

Where hair transplants are the most effective way to increase the amount of thickness and remove baldness from hair, certainly the benefit won’t come without costs. Beautification has its own cost. Though the amount may vary for a wide array of factors, the average costing of this surgery is near about $4,000 and $15,000. The amount of hair being moved, types of procedure, skills of the surgeon, locations are the most vital factors that drive the cost from hundreds to thousands. 

How successful is a hair transplant? 

Since the procedure has a significant effect on emotion and financial costs, this is one of the important questions that patient asks. The success ratio is judge by the amount of hair grown after this medical procedure and the expectation of the patients’. Though there are few factors that drive the ratios, it’s considered as one of the permanent methods of all. And most of the people who undergo this treatment are happy with the outcome. The other factors of success depend on the skill of the surgeon and how good hair donor you have. 

Is hair transplant is a permanent solution for hair loss? 

The result from this surgery is rarely temporary rather the new hair growth is extremely long lasting and most of the situation hair grows in the bald area just like it grew in the donor area and will follow the behavior of the donor area. The transplanted hair will become finer and will turn gray. However, by the ages rise the hair will be slower to gray. 

What is the best age to get a hair transplant? 

A baldness or receding hairline can affect at any age stage of life. Usually for men the early age of stating the cause of baldness if 20’s. And then to started to recede until it reaches the final stage of bald. So according to many hair restorations centers the minimum age of the candidate should not be less than 25 years old, as before this age it’s difficult to judge how the hair will continue to recede. There is no maximum age limit and as long as the patient’s donor area is producing good quality hair and new hair follicles can be grown, he or she is eligible to undergo this surgery. 

Can a hair transplant fail? 

Hair transplant is a long way procedure, so there is no chance to take this lightly. As long as the ideal procedure has been selected, patient’s donor hair is at good condition, the patient has followed all pre and post-operative guidelines and most importantly you are under a skilled and professionally reputed surgeon’s the chances are low that the transplant might fail. 

What are the risks and side effects of hair transplant? 

Hair transplant has put lots of people at ease, it also needs to remember that this procedure comes with certain risks. There are some minor complication and side effects of this modern way of growing new hair. The common risks and side effects involved as, post-surgical edema, hemorrhage, sterile folliculitis, hair thinning, itchiness, hiccups, numbness, cysts, bleeding, infections, swelling, unnatural-looking tufts of hair and scarring. 

What Are The Best Non-Surgical and Affordable Hair Transplant Alternatives? 

Hair Transplant Alternatives

With so many modern and advanced upgrades in hair transplant technologies, some people skip right over the alternatives and go right to the surgery by taking the follicular unit extraction transplant or follicular unit transplantation unit. 

While both these techniques can be equally effective considering time and results, but, like other surgeries, there’s a pretty big risk, costs, and certain side effects that come along with it. 

Here we’ll describe all hair transplant alternatives in 2018 which are easy to apply, cost-effective and non-surgical. 

  1. Finasteride / Propecia for Hair: 


Also known as Propecia, this is a type of medication FDA-approved that can be taken orally to help with hair loss or male pattern hair baldness. It works by blocks production of dihydrotestosterone and inhibiting the potent hormone that causes thinning of the hair. 

The 5-milligram pill can be cut up into quarters and taken one time a day. It can also be used for any woman that is having trouble getting pregnant due to birth complications. However, you will have to go to your doctor to get this. 

Because it can only be purchased through a prescription, you won’t be able to find it at the store. 

Propecia or Finasteride Side Effects 

Additionally, you will want to talk to your doctor about it anyway, as it can have some strong side effects, including impotence and lesser semen volume. But the good news is the chance of having this complication is very low. 

  1. Minoxidil Hair Growth 

Minoxidil Hair Growth

Better known as Rogaine, this is a pretty popular hair restoration product that many users claim to stop hair loss in its tracks. 

For women, you will find a topical solution of 2%, with a 5% topical cream for men. 

Applied twice a day, the cream actually reacts to the scalp by reactivating the hair’s development and growth cycle. While this is going on, it’s also working to bring life to hair roots that may have been reduced thanks to hair loss genes. However, you don’t need any prescription to purchase this foam or liquid. 

This over-the-counter topical treatment works by increasing the blood circulation around your weaken and shrunken follicles. 

The flows encourage the hair to grow stronger and help to slow hair loss just like the natural. The outcome will be visible not more than 4 months. 

This alternative solution may be quite expensive for some patients and if you quit it in the middle of the treatment, you might experience the same hair loss at the same speed that it did previously. 

Minoxidil Side Effects 

Though the side effects are extremely rare but can arise few as itching, redness, change in hair color or in some rare cases unwanted hair growth, such as increased facial hair. 

  1. Natural Hair Growth Option Har Vokse: 

Natural Hair Growth Option Har Vokse

Nice to know there is also the choice of having a natural alternative as well. Available for both men and woman, this product is quickly becoming popular in areas such as Germany, Poland, Sweden, UK, Finland, Norway and even Australia. 

The United States and Canada are hopping aboard as well. Created by the Norway’s University of Oslo, Har Vokse is an anti-hair loss spray mixed with a growth supplement. 

In order for this product to work best, you need to use the hair loss spray twice a day coupled with 2 pills of the hair growth supplement. 

The Har Vokse says that it cleanses your scalp and nourishes your hair that helps to strengthen the hair roots so that remaining hair won’t fall out, and works to stimulate hair growth for man and women. These two killer products combined give you the best results. 

The protective spray which applies protein and nutrients directly to hair to helping and protecting it from any further loss. The pills fight the problem from inside and it stimulates the body’s ability to produce new hair leading to a visible increase in thickness and appearance in your hair. 

These approaches are found so effective in significant hair re-growth. The appealing part of this medication is that this formula is made of entirely from natural ingredients just like Amplixin do in our every product. 

Har vokse side effects 

So since there is no harmful chemical, there might not be any risks of side effects whatsoever. 

  1. Spironolactone for Excessive Hair Growth 

Spironolactone for Excessive Hair Growth

Spironolactone slows down the production of androgens to reduce hair loss and encourage hair to grow. This medication is geared toward non-childbearing women, as it can interfere with the childbirth progress. 

This one is also an oral medication, which is anywhere from 50 milligrams to 100 milligrams, taken twice a day and you can take it with or without food. But if the patient has drowsiness, then a doctor might prescribe it to take it at night. While this medicine is considered potassium diuretic, it serves as an active anti-androgen. 

This is a particularly popular solution among women. The Medicare might take some time to get a noticeable result. So it's highly appreciated that don’t expect the results might come out before six months. 

Spironolactone Side Effects: 

Besides, there might have some side effects as well as drowsiness, nausea, headache etc that can be minimized after proper medication. 

  1. ACell / PRP Hair Treatment 

ACell / PRP Hair Treatment

One of the most recent developments in hair loss prevention and treatment, this product is coming popular due to the fact that enables hair follicular development and it’s available for both men and women. PRP is a substance that is prepared from your own blood. 

Your blood platelets have small disc-shaped cells with hundreds of proteins called growth factors and regenerative molecules that motivate the healing factors. 

After separating, doctors add those platelets with remaining blood to produce platelet-rich plasma for injection and finally infused right through the scallop. 

The idea behind this product is that the stem cells can as a regenerator for the roots of the hair, meaning your hair development will increase immensely. Similarly, ACell is a biomatrix process in which a special protein derives from pig bladders that repairs and remodels damaged tissue, help restore dormant hair follicles and improving the quality of the hair that is grown. 

  1. Low-Level Laser Therapy for Hair Loss 

Low-Level Laser Therapy for Hair Loss

Yet another product in the latest hair loss technology, this is a therapy-approach to dealing with baldness in both men and women. This therapy doesn’t cause any pain or burning and left no scaring spot on the scalp. The comb is used 3 times a week for anywhere from 8 to 15 minutes. 

The idea is that the lower grade laser therapy works to bring hair towards growth. The laser’s heat activates heat shock proteins and increases tissue oxygenations that are utilized for follicular stem proliferation and division. 

It promotes thicker, stronger, and healthier hair, stimulates the rejuvenation of hair follicles thus rehabilitates damaged hair follicles. But there’s a price that comes along with it: A hefty price tag. It might not be within reach for some people’s budget. 

  1. Hair loss shampoos: 

As talking about hair restorations alternatives, hair loss shampoos are great options. A proven study from the University of Jena in Germany shows that caffeine can penetrate the roots of the hair which can protect them from negative testosterone impact, one of the vital causes of hair loss in man. 

Brand link Amplixin has incorporated this finding into their Stimulating Shampoo for healthy hair growth & hair loss prevention treatment. Both men and women can use this topical Sulfate-free DHT blocking formula that helps thinning hair grow back over time. 

  1. Hair loss supplements: 

If you consider good alternatives, topical and oral treatments as supplements are promising much. These can be biotin (with FDA Approved Ingredients), vitamins, and regrowth pills are the good solutions. 

Biotins are water-soluble vitamins also a part of vitamin B, H family which helps our body to convert needed nutrients into energy. Since keratin is a basic protein, our hair is mostly build up with, biotin intake can speed up boosting the infrastructure and play a role in the growth of healthier, thicker hair. As there is a strong connection in between male pattern baldness and biotin, it’s recommended that biotin can bring better benefits for hair growth or reducing hair loss and can be treated as hair loss treatments. 

  1. Laser Light Comb for Hair Loss; First Action: 

Laser Light Comb for Hair Loss

Laser Therapy At Home- FDA-cleared hand-held Comb for effective and easy laser treatment for thinning hair and hair loss that can be operated by any individual at home. 

Technology like this was only available for clinical treatments but now you need wait for a physician’s appointment and moreover, it comes within the patients’ reach. 

Available for both men and women: How to use laser comb for hair growth and here’s how it works: 

Three times a week for half an hour, a lower-grade laser to bring the hair back to life. While it’s working on revitalizing the hair, it also increases the current condition of the hair. 

Regular using will naturally increase ATP, keratin production and speed up blood circulation to promote key nutrition and energy to hair follicles. 

Typical results can be seen after two months of usage and to get the desired results you might have to wait two years. 

However, these come with a few side effects, as do most treatments that involve lasers. The rare consequences are itching and tingling of the scalp which is not very harmful either way. Also, it can be pretty expensive, which may not make it within your budget. However, users claim it is extremely effective and worth it. 

Actually, there are lots of choices. Each medication has a different level of outcomes. So deciding anyone from these can be right only if you have understood what type of problem is causing your hair fall. 

Whatever choice you have already made, it’s highly recommended that before going any medications or topical hair transplant treatments do an in-depth research that might reduce your frustration if your chosen method fails to achieve the desired result. 

All You Need To Know About Hair Cloning 

Hair cloning is a promising new technique, which is under development to counter baldness and hair loss. 

The basic idea of cloning is that it is possible to extract follicular cells from the patient’s scalp from the area that is not suffering hair loss, and multiply the cells using various culturing methods (cloning) and produce the needed cells. 

The availability of additional follicular cells gives the opportunity to cover the region of the scalp that is experiencing hair loss or baldness. However, hair cloning method is still under research and development phase. 

The research continues:

Scientists were successful in hair cloning that began in the year 1970. They were able to demonstrate the technique on animals and were successful in reproducing healthy hair in bald regions. However, there was little progress in the case of human beings. 

Many companies and institutions dealt with the process in order to correct the flaws existing in the process. The primary reason for the slow progress is that the cloned follicular cell tends to lose the ability to grow hair. 

Additionally, scientists are yet to develop a sufficient cloning methodology that is capable of producing a minimum of thousand cloned cells from a single extracted follicular cell. But eventually, this invention would take the hair solution alternatives to a new era. 

Why Hair Cloning Is The Future! 

While the current hair loss solutions support many the hair cloning could be open the door of the ultimate door of many new possibilities. As creating new hair follicles and multiplication will allow rebuilding hair growth even in the burned and scaring area, it could be the future of all hair loss solutions. The recent hair transplant might need a good amount of donor's hair and in the cloning process if there is a shortage in the amount of good donor hair, it’s possible to the multiplication of hair follicles in the laboratory and then can be planted on the affected area. 

In hair restoration process if you stop medication after the surgery your other hair than transplanted might fallout and hair follicles would become miniaturize and fade away. Whereas the hair cloning process works for one hair cycle, then it will work for a few years. Similarly, if it changes your hair follicles forever, it could stay decayed. 

Hair Cloning For Men And Women: 

The basic idea in hair cloning is to harvest healthy hair follicles by multiplication of hair follicles stem cells. Since it’s in this process the stem cells or seeds will be multiplied, this technique should work for any hair loss situation like- male pattern baldness and androgenetic alopecia for women. 

As a result, the up to date version of hair restoration could become a permanent solution for future male and female baldness treatment. 

Types Of Hair Cloning: 

Now scientists can already clone an entire sheep, so the future is not far enough when hair follicle cloning for a human would be available commercially. These can be done through different types actually (still under research phase). 

In vivo hair cloning:

In this method, the surgeon would cut a hair along with its length and allow the transected part to grow inside the skin. It has another version that is known as stem cells cultivation. In this process, hair follicles are harvested and processed outside of the body. When these follicles are grown enough to be implanted, these are re-implanted in the skin. 

In vitro hair multiplication: 

This technique is a little bit different. In this multiplication method, stem cells of hair follicles are transcended and allowed these to grow outside of the skin- perhaps in a laboratory facility under medical supervision. After then, these will re-implant again into the skin. 

What Are The Risks Of Hair Cloning? 

Actually, there’s not much to talk about the side effects as still, this medical surgery is under developments stages and yet to get FDA approval. Unless and until these have been tested over human, it’s tough to underline the possible risks associated with this treatment. But even though it can be assumed that once this medical procedure completed successfully there would be few minor side effects to be stated, unlike the use of enzyme inhibitors which can produce side effects of dizziness and rashes. 

There is another risk associated with this procedure. The hair follicle stem cell might be damaged and there might be a possibility of tumor formation caused by the cultured cell. Scientists are hoping that these risks will be minimized soon after doing additional studies. 

What is the Cost of Hair Cloning? 

Actually the cost of this treatment can’t be determined until this surgery is widely available. But there are few clinics which are charging differently for this treatment. In Dr. Gho’s HASCI treatment, they are charging around $6000 for typically 1000 grafts. In most of the cases it’s unlikely that a full head of hair can be achieved; so roughly the prices for men is ranges from $3,700 to around $17,800 depending on how much hair grafts they would require to cure baldness. 

Hair Cloning: Before and After 

Hair cloning is one sort of surgery that would go through certain medical procedures. That’s why a surgeon would provide certain pre and post-operative guidelines which you should have to follow. Mostly the recovery process would become easier and faster if patients can follow the instructions. 

Do’s and Don’ts after a Hair Cloning: 

There would be certain guideline just like all other minor surgery. In fact, you should try your best to enjoy the results, instead of constantly fretting about potential outcomes. 

The instructions should include: 

  • Taking a break from the work at least for few days
  • Continue to avoid direct exposure to intense sunlight or UV rays or else the newly grown hair might turn into fade and eventually damage hair health
  • Avoid taking alcoholic products. Liquor contain drying ingredients that might disrupts scalp’s natural oil circulation
  • Maintain proper moisture until hair grows fully
  • Maintain a healthy scalp. 
Hair Cloning Recovery Tips: 

Since this is a delicate procedure, your adherence to recovery tips is essential to get optimum results. Here are a few important tips to follow from the moment the operation is done until you get a full head of hair. 

  • The first and most important of all instruction is to follow the guidelines that your surgeon would give you at hair cloning center. 
  • Since the surgery area might prone to create uncomfortable feelings like rashes, rather touching consult with your doctor. 
  • You might also need to take a break from your work to allow brushing the hairline. 
  • In addition to these, before using any topical hair products you might have to seek doctor’s guidance. 

Lastly, as this is going to be a costly treatment, it would make sense you’d only do what your surgeon wants you to do. 

Hair Cloning Frequently Asked Questions: 

It’s normal that people will have certain queries on new things. They would make every penny counts before applying the new technique on their crown. Here are some of the common queries about hair cloning. 

Is hair cloning available? 

Research on hair cloning has been successful in rodents. But still, this treatment is yet to get FDA approval to use on human. Yet though, some of the hair restoration clinics have opened this facility for hair loss patients. 

Hair cloning - can it cure hair loss? 

For many years, hair cloning has promised to cure male pattern baldness and female hair loss. The result of hair cloning would permanent if the procedure is successful. And the interesting news is it’s moving in the right direction. So now, it’s only a matter of time before this procedure comes to fruition. 

Is there any obstacle to hair cloning techniques? 

So far there are two major obstacles have been found in this process. One is tumor formation by the cultured cell and another is- the orientation of hair direction must be controlled, because in mice research, the hair grows in all different direction. Each new hair follicle is independent and goes through growth cycles at different times. That’s why they grow at independent angle and direction. 

What Are The Advantages? 

After the completion of this surgery, there should have been some major advantages for patients like male pattern baldness, thinning problems, grow new hair, and hair loss. 

  • Blocking enzymes in hair follicles promotes hair growth 
  • Minimal chances of visible scarring or spots 
  • Recovery period won’t take more days than hair transplants 
  • The procedure is relatively short 
  • Less chance of complications 
  • A successful procedure yields permanent results 

The final Words About Hair Cloning:

This latest surgical treatment can bring great result if the procedure is successful. And in the end, you won’t require this surgery any further, yet you will be able to enjoy your life with thicker and fuller hair. 

The ultimate Comparison of Hair Transplant and Hair Cloning: 

It is difficult to compare between hair transplant and hair cloning due to insufficient data. Although hair transplant is the only process currently available to cover baldness, doctors advise the youngsters to keep away from the surgery for as long as possible. 

Hair transplant uses the patient’s hair to redistribute the extracted hair at several locations of the scalp. There is no re-growth of the hair, which is essential to cover baldness or reduce hair loss. On the other hand, hair cloning, which is a nascent stage, is a promising method because it multiplies the follicular cells rather than redistributing the existing hair of the patient. 

The constraints developed in the hair cloning process are posing a problem to the advancement of the technique. By attending to the limitations, which we can expect in the near future, one will find a successful and possible solution to hair loss and baldness. 

The Final Verdict: 

Theoretically, cloning seems to be simple yet it really is very complex. As hair cloning is still in research and development phase, individuals experiencing hair loss and baldness will have to go with the hair transplant procedure to get a full or, at least, fuller head of hair. 

But as we described earlier if cloning becomes available widely for public perhaps you’d get more benefit than any other surgical procedure.

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